By: Dr. Courtney Holmberg, ND ![]() Unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you've come across the ingredient every product is labelling free-of and every consumer is trying to avoid, gluten. One of the most common questions I'm asked with regards to dietary changes in practice is "should I be gluten-free too?" Stats say roughly 29% of households now have a family member who eats gluten free, and the "Gluten Free" label has become the top 5th label claim since 2011. But when asked, less than a third of respondents (including those who claimed to be gluten free) actually knew what gluten was and where it was found. So... what is it? Why is it bad for us? And what's with all the hype anyways? There are a number of articles circling the web on either side of the gluten fence. I'm not here to persuade you, but to inform you, so listen closely. FIRST OFF... WHAT IS GLUTEN? Gluten, by definition, is a family of proteins, made up of gliadin and glutenin that give bread its elasticity, or ability to rise. The family that seems to be problematic in today's diet is found in wheat, barley and rye. Dr. Tom O'Bryan, a certified gluten practitioner in the US, discusses the reason for its "toxicity". He states that although not everyone may show symptoms of sickness from eating gluten, the human body does not produce intestinal enzymes to break down the gliadin component of the protein [1]. For someone with celiac disease, this is a serious problem. Their immune system produces an anaphylactic response when exposed to the gluten protein (even in minute amounts)... much like someone would with a bee allergy, but in their gut. These people often carry a gene that predisposes them to this condition, and a gluten-free diet is absolutely essential for them. The interesting fact is that there has been a 4 fold (or 400x) increase in the incidence of celiac disease over the past 50 years [1]. That leaves us with the question.... WHY IS GLUTEN SUDDENLY A PROBLEM? Although wheat hasn't changed, and has been cultivated now for roughly 10000 years, its been only in the last 500 years that the actual content of gluten in wheat-based foods has gone up [2]. This is because gluten helps breads rise and holds food together, making for better texture, and is therefore actually added to foods already containing gluten. It can also be found in cosmetics, hair products, and household cleaners. Its important to note that although only 3% of the those with the celiac gene actually develop celiac disease, roughly 30% of the population carries the gene. So why isn't everyone developing celiac? Tom O'Bryan states this is due to the concept of loss of oral tolerance - meaning over exposure and weakened gut health due to environmental factors may be the key to expression of this gene [3] The World's Food Habits Chart in 2013, from
![]() We’re in the thick of it! Summer that is. Bring on the cottage getaways, camping trips, beautiful beach days and righteous road trips. Regardless if you’ve been planning your trip for months or if you’re fun in the sun is spontaneous; know that keeping your healthy habits on track is really – quite – simple. Easy meal prep for travel means stocking your fridge and pantry with smart snacks. So that even if you’re strapped for time, you’ll be reaching for healthy options effortlessly – allowing you to focus on other things, like catching up on your reading. And don’t worry, I’ve got you covered for that too. Now that’s some serious summer snack lovin’. No Prep Snack List No time? No problem. This list is for you: - Ryvita crackers with almond butter & jam - Apple/pear and almond butter - Olives - Celery and nut butter - Hummus and veggie sticks - Mary’s crackers - Tuna (Raincoast is a reputable brand) - Lean turkey slices, 100% grass fed beef/turkey jerky - Individual Greek yogurt containers - Seaweed snacks - 1 scoop protein powder & 1 cup unsweetened almond milk - ½ avocado sprinkled with hemp hearts, salt & pepper Minimal Prep Snack List A little planning goes a long way. Pre-make these snacks to take with you: - Homemade trail mix – try: almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, dried tart cherries, golden berries, cacao nibs - Air popped popcorn (with coconut oil & sea salt) - Bean salad: 1 can mixed beans, ½ red onion chopped, ¼ cup apple cider vinegar, ¼ cup olive oil, salt & pepper - Goat cottage cheese with tomatoes, sun dried tomatoes, and celery - Hard boiled eggs - Crunchy chickpeas (2 cups of cooked chickpeas tossed in hot sauce, lime juice and sea salt. Baked at 400 degrees for 30 minutes, or until crunchy) “In a pinch” Snack List Fresh is best, but just in case… Best Bars The Simply Bar Elevate Me Bar Lara bar Rebar Greens + Bottled green/fruit juice Claire LeGresley, RHN And to receive a weekly newsletter with nourishing tips like these plus recipes & food for thought, be sure to sign up for Wellness Wednesdays! Summer Slim Down
![]() Summer is in full swing and with that sultry sun, brings a change in schedule (routine), travel and outings plus the opening of patio season! Drinks, more food, and more drinks. This summer, before you toss your healthy lifestyle into the closet along with your winter boots, l urge you to integrate these 3 tips so you’ll be slimming down all summer long. It’s summertime after all, and the livin’ should be easy. 1) Eat real food & enjoy it I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again (and again) – food in or close to its most natural state is where it’s at. Forget the pre-packaged snacks and tampered with dairy. Fresh fruit and vegetables: Veggie sticks, apples, berries – it doesn’t get much more convenient! Now’s a great time to find out what’s in season by checking out your local farmers market. Whole grains: Quinoa, brown rice and sprouted grain bread stabilize insulin levels, helping to curb cravings. Protein: Eggs, lean cuts of turkey/chicken & wild fish, such as salmon boosts metabolism and keeps you feeling fuller, for longer. Healthy fats: Olive oil, nuts and seeds, avocado and coconut oil- keep you feeling satisfied, eating less overall. Dairy: Please just have the real, full fat stuff – but in a smaller amount. 2) Hydrate Drinking enough water is something we all know we should be doing, but do you actually know why? During the warmer summer (patio, beach, BBQ) months it’s extra important to stay well hydrated. Let’s refresh your brain: □ Water helps to flush those pesky toxins out and promotes proper elimination. □ It helps to regulate body temperature and maintains the balance of body fluids. □ It boosts metabolism, prevents headaches and keeps skin glowing. □ Water also increases energy and reduces hunger – winning! Pump up your hydration this summer: □ Drink a glass of room temperature with the juice of ½ a lemon upon waking. □ Aim to drink 8 (250ml) glasses per day – setting a time throughout the day to remind you. □ Sip green tea instead of coffee. □ Always carry a water bottle around with you. □ Flavour your water with citrus or fruit. □ Brew herbal tea and add it to still or sparkling water. 3) Plan & Prepare Say it with me now, “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. This is undeniably the most important aspect to any slim down & health goal, but especially during the sans routine summer months. Let’s make it happen people: □ Schedule a time every week to plan meals and grocery shop; and fiercely protect this time. This means it holds just as much importance as a work meeting or soccer game. Make your health and slim down goals a priority! □ Be sure to factor in your engagements – work dinners, movies & dates can all be planned for. □ Prepare dinner and snacks on Sunday & Wednesday. Breaking it up will help you get through the week, properly planned. □ Cook in large batches, freezing portions in single serve containers for easy grab and go lunches or dinners. My top tips for your planning success □ Hard boil a large amount of eggs. □ Prep nut butter in containers to pair with a fruit, veggie sticks or rice cakes. □ Make a batch of air popped popcorn and divvy up into snack bags. □ Chop veggies and place into snack sized bags, pair with bean dip/avocado. □ Make 2 or 3 smoothies, store in an air tight container such as a mason jar. □ Make 1 pot meals. Need assistance slimming down this summer? Book your FREE consultation with the nutritionist where 2 tips & a handout will be provided to kick-start your slim down goals. Book now --> [email protected] Sources: Lori Kennedy: ![]() When 5 o’clock strikes and instead of heading to your home cooked meal, a night of networking awaits. If work events are a part of your regular routine – knowing how to navigate through your evening with nourishing choices is essential. Why? Because this means less time troubling over treats and more time making important career and personal connections with that captivating charisma of yours. Got an event coming up? Consider this: Prep like a pro: □ Plan for it. Chances are you know when these events will be happening. Take a few moments to plan your day accordingly. Eat small, balanced meals throughout the day – keeping blood sugar levels stable. This will make it easier to reach for the healthier choices and avoid overeating. □ Drink a good amount of water before the event so you don’t mistake thirst for hunger. Both of these suggestions will help prevent overeating. □ Don’t arrive at the function starving. A small, protein based snack will keep you satisfied and erratic choices at bay. Network, nosh & nourish: □ Vegetarian options are often healthier than meat options, particularly red meat options. □ Pick protein, healthy fats and veggies. Shrimp cocktails, mini burgers (sans bun) olives and guacamole are great choices. Load up on veggies – they are high in nutrients, low in calories and generally take longer to chew- helping with feelings of fullness. Winning! □ Eyeball your portion. If your protein option is larger than a deck of cards or the palm of your hand, simply cut it in half. □ Skip the ho hum options. If after your protein packed finger food you’re craving something sweet, scan your options and pick the one that is the calling to you the most. And enjoy it to the max! □ Stay mindful. Work functions can be stressful – meeting new people, talking to higher ups. Keep in mind that stress shuts down digestion. If all you do is remember to chew properly, you’re doing yourself (and your tummy) a huge help. Get back on track: □ Start fresh. Even though you may have overdone it on food, drinks and sweets – it’s important to wake up with the intention of making nourishing choices. One evening of indulgence does not mean you get a free for all follow up day. □ Hydrate. If you went a little heavy on the booze make yourself a homemade electrolyte drink that will revitalize your whole body: - 1 cup water - 1 small pinch sea salt - A shot of fruit juice ( half an orange) - Squeeze of lemon Be kind to yourself: So you had a few too many of… everything. Well, life happens. I urge you to, regardless of those choices, to be mindful of your self talk. Our bodies respond to kindness (not shaming and blaming). It’s a new day – and a new chance to make better choices. Make yourself proud! Claire LeGresley, RHN To receive a weekly newsletter with nourishing tips like these plus recipes & food for thought, be sure to sign up for Wellness Wednesdays here. ![]() Cravings: those intense, urgent desires for sweet and salty snacks. If cravings are the culprits standing in the way of your optimal health and slim down goals, well, you’re not alone. Whether it be a late night sugar fix, a calling for carbs or salty snacks – out of control cravings wreak havoc in healthy habit endeavours all too often. Discover how to kick cravings to the curb for good, in just 3 simple steps. Those poor cravings, they don’t stand a chance! 1) Know your triggers One of the most powerful ways to stop a binge is before it begins. Start by keeping a food journal to help indicate which foods could be causing your cravings. Be mindful of these common food triggers: □ Coffee □ Diet Coke or diet beverages □ Dried fruit □ Oatmeal □ Wheat □ Alcohol Is your sweet tooth sabotaging your goals? Well, it’s no coincidence because high-sugar foods increase your levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite and increases cravings. 2) Balance blood sugar Do you find it impossible to finish the day without a little something sweet? In order to bust this type of craving, blood sugar levels need to be stabilized throughout the entire day. Here is a handy dandy tip to help you - eat 3 in 3′s. What does this mean? Eat a balanced meal of protein, healthy fats and high fiber/ low glycemic carbohydrates, every three hours. Set a timer to remind you fuel up and wait for that craving to be ninja kicked to the curb. Need help planning some balanced meals? I’m here to help: □ 1 cup plain Greek yogurt + 2 tbsp of chia seeds + 1 cup raspberries (or mixed berries) □ 2 whole eggs + 2 tbsp avocado on whole grain toast □ Shake with 1 scoop of protein powder with 2 tbsp of chia seeds + mixed berries □ Lean, grass fed (organic) meat , baked sweet potato drizzled with coconut oil 3) Question your cravings “When you have cravings it’s a result of multiple physiological triggers that come together to signal you to eat, usually a sugary or salty food. In fact, the signal to eat can sometimes be so strong that no amount of willpower can overcome it.” However understanding why you have food cravings, gives you power over them. If carbs are your crutch when you’re feeling bored, sad, angry or stressed – stop blaming yourself. Put simply, carbohydrates calm us. This is due to the fact that they secrete serotonin, our feel good hormone. So it makes sense that when you’re feeling down, that your body instinctively asks for bagels, pasta and doughnuts. But this surge of good emotions is quickly followed by a crash. Cue - guilt, shame and frustration. So when carbs come a callin’:
When making your exchanges, be sure to match texture and taste in order to successfully bust cravings. □ Salty: Kale chips, dehydrated zucchini, sweet potato crisps, raw crackers (see: recipe of the week) □ Chocolate: Add cacao to smoothies/pudding. □ Ice cream: Try frozen coconut based smoothie □ Pasta: The next time you’re at the health food shop – pick up mung bean noodles or kelp noodles. Claire LeGresley, RHN And to receive a weekly newsletter with nourishing tips like these plus recipes & food for thought, be sure to sign up for Wellness Wednesdays here. The Smoothie Solution
![]() If your days are filled with outings and obligations – leaving next to no time for healthy food preparation, I’ve got the solution. If you find yourself searching for an easy and convenient way to lose weight and stay healthy, I’ve got the solution. If you’re looking for a way to beat the heat with nourishing hydration, yup, you know what, I’ve got the solution people. Oh yes, I’ve got The Smoothie Solution. What are Smoothies? Smoothies, by definition, are blended beverages that contain a combination of liquid, whole fruit and additions that include greens, nuts/seeds, yogurt &/or superfoods. They are most often raw, meaning they are jam packed with helpful enzymes – promoting digestibility and proper absorption. Always wondered what the difference is between juicing and blending? Smoothies blend all of the ingredients together – keeping the fiber & pulp. Juices separate the juice from the fiber – allowing a whole wack of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to easily be delivered in an easy to drink fashion. Why are Smoothies the smoothest solution? Where do I begin? Smoothies are an easy way of providing your bodacious bod with ultimate nourishment. Stack your blender with foods that are full of vitamins, minerals & phytonutrients plus healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins and the benefits speak for themselves: □ Improved digestion: Blending food = pre-chewed for improved absorption. □ Weight loss: As a meal replacement, smoothies contain fewer calories than a normal meal, supporting your wonderful weight loss goals. □ Convenience: Stack your ingredients in your blender the night before to quickly blend in the morning. Or, store already made smoothies in mason jars for up to 24 hours for an easy grab and go snack or meal. This is by far my #1 reason! □ Curb cravings and ease constipation: Over the next two weeks we will be talking two big C’s – cravings and constipation. Stayed tuned to discover how to kick your salt, carb and sugar cravings for good and how to ease stubborn constipation – naturally! How can I make these super smooth Smoothies? 1. Add liquid first. Liquid options include filtered water, coconut water, unsweetened nut milk, kombucha, kefir or cooled herbal tea. 2. Going green? Add your greens next. A 3:1 ratio of greens to fruit is a good guideline. Blend until smooth. 3. Next, add whole fruit. If you prefer your smoothie cold, be sure to make sure this fruit is frozen. Tip: peel and freeze your bananas to add a cool & creamy texture. 4. Add in healthy fats : 1 – 2 tbsp coconut oil, avocado, hemp oil, hemp hearts, nut butter and nuts are all fabulous fats. 5. Finish with some superfoods (optional): raw cacao, spirulina, bee pollen, acai, maca, camu camu. Note: No need to break the bank and purchase these all at once. Try including one at a time, and allow your body time to adjust before moving onto the next. My Top Three Smoothie must-have’s
Claire LeGresley, RHN And to receive a weekly newsletter with nourishing tips like these plus recipes & food for thought, be sure to sign up for Wellness Wednesdays here. Myth Busting: "Fat makes you fat"
![]() Fat has gotten a seriously bad rep over the years. It’s thanks to clever and convincing marketing tactics that we are lead to believe that “low fat” and “fat free” foods are the way to a smaller waistline and optimal health. Well, I’m about to bust that myth up. Because in order for these fat-free products to be edible, the fat is replaced with a whole lot of sugar, carbohydrates AND funky chemicals and additives. Cue skyrocketing obesity and diabetes rates, and an increase in both chronic and degenerative disease. Tsk Tsk sugar – you’ve been letting fat take the blame all these years and it’s been you all along! Fat Facts o Every single membrane of every cell and every organelle inside of cells are made up of fat. o Fats provide energy and are the building blocks for hormones. o Carrier for fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. The top 3 reasons why your body needs fat 1) To lose weight I know, this goes against many people’s beliefs, but hear me out. Put simply – fat is satisfying. It helps you to feel fuller, for longer – resulting in eating less overall. Bottom line – if you’re craving a fat filled food, such as dairy, reach for the full fat version and just have less of it. You will be left feeling much more satisfied. 2) To feel happier Hormones are made up of protein and fat. Therefore, if you are not consuming adequate amounts of good quality fats, your body won’t be able to make hormones and the mood boosting messages won’t be delivered. Omega 3 fatty acids in particular, play a key role in improved mood as they are one of the basic building blocks of the brain. These essential fats must be consumed through the diet and can be found in seafood, walnuts and leafy greens. 3) To be smarter Healthy fats are linked to clear thinking, good memory & balanced mood. The monounsaturated fat found in avocados, for example, helps blood circulate better, resulting in optimal brain function. Oh yeah, and you’re brain is made of fat. “If you squeezed out all of the water from your brain, a whopping 60% of the dry weight would be made up of fat.” Not all fat, however, is created equal. In order to reap the benefits of this mighty macronutrient, it’s important to stay far, far away from trans fats – found in processed and fried foods. Instead, focus on consuming approximately 30% of your daily calories from naturally occurring unsaturated fats sources and saturated in moderation. My Top 3 Fabulously Fatty Foods 1) Fish – such as wild salmon. For a 4 ingredient salmon recipe, click here. 2) Avocado Spread it like butter, add it to a salad, or eat it for dessert! 3) Coconut Oil Coconut oil can be found in most grocery stores. Look for raw, organic and virgin. Claire LeGresley, RHN If you would like to receive weekly newsletters, jam packed with nourishing tips like these, be sure to sign up for Wellness Wednesdays here. ![]() This month, we’re busting some common food and nutrition myths – beginning with the first meal of the day, or should I say, lack thereof. I believe we are all breakfast champions deep down, so let’s get to it and bust our first myth of the month! Myth one: “I don’t have time for breakfast” The “I don’t have time for breakfast” spiel is very convincing, but can be 100% busted with simple meal suggestions and some basic preparation. 1) Overnight Oats: Tonight, combine ⅓ c. oats with ½ c. unsweetened almond milk + add in’s of your choice (chia seeds, hemp hearts, ½ banana, dash of cinnamon etc). In the morning, add a handful of nuts and/ or berries. That’s it! You’ve got yourself a grab & go breakfast. 2) Smoothie: Tonight, stack your blender with these super powered smoothie ingredients: ½ ripe (frozen) banana, ½ c. frozen blueberries, 2 tsp peeled & grated ginger, 2 cups kale or spinach, 1 tbsp chia seeds (optional), dash of cinnamon and store in the fridge. In the morning, add 1 c. unsweetened almond milk, blend until smooth and you are on-your-way. 3) Greek/Coconut Yogurt Parfait: Tonight, combine ¾ c. of Greek yogurt (such as the brand Liberte) or coconut yogurt (dairy free) with (frozen) ½ c. blueberries & ½ c. raspberries, 1-2 tsp honey, 1 tbsp hemp hearts + 1 tbsp chia seeds plus a dash of cinnamon. You’ve got a perfect parfait waiting for you! 4) Avocado on Toast: Prep time – less than 5 minutes, no excuses here people. Spread ½ medium avocado (2 tbsp) on whole grain toast (such as the Stonemill brand) – top with 1 tbsp hemp hearts and season with sea salt & pepper. 5) Hard-boiled eggs & toast. Let’s keep it simple people. On Sunday, hard-boil half a dozen eggs to allow for a simply delicious and nutritious breakfast. Claire LeGresley, RHN If you would like to receive weekly newsletters, jam packed with nourishing tips like these, be sure to sign up for Wellness Wednesdays here: Spring Snack Ideas and Slim Down Foods
![]() 1. Raspberries. These berries are low in sugar and contain a sky high amount of fiber (1 cup = 8 grams). Friendly fiber helps to stabilize blood sugar & reduce cravings – so go on, add some to your oatmeal, in your next smoothie or enjoy on their own as a dessert. 2. Avocados. Don’t let the fat content scare you away. The monounsaturated (healthy) fat found in this fabulous fruit plus its high fiber content means that you’ll feel fuller and more satisfied after you've eaten = eating less overall. 3. Walnuts. Walnuts winning combination of omega 3’s, protein and fiber provide satiety – keeping you feeling fuller, for longer. Watch your portion size though – one small handful is what you’re after. Use this salad recipe as a guide to build a super slim down salad. Add raspberries on top, or enjoy on their own as a dessert. Keep hunger pangs at bay with these handy dandy snack ideas. Easy to prep ahead of time - your wallet and waistline will thank you. Parfait ½ cup Liberte Greek Yogurt ½ cup mixed berries 1 tbsp hemp hearts or chia seeds + 1 tsp cinnamon Fruit Higher sugar fruits like banana, grapes, orange should be eaten in the morning Lower sugar fruits like berries, apples, pears can be eaten later in the day Multi grain rice cakes with dip - 2 1 tbsp nut butter + 1 tsp cinnamon Popcorn 4 cups organic, air popped popcorn 2 tsp organic butter/ drizzle of coconut oil Experiment with different seasonings: 1 tbsp. nutritional yeast, sea salt & pepper, cayenne, garlic powder Organic is important: corn is one of the most highly genetically modified foods Boiled & shelled edamame – ½ cup (aka as soy beans) Can be found in the freezer section of most grocery stores Boil for 10 minutes + sprinkle with sea salt Smoothies 101 – serves 1 Base: 1 cup (filtered) water, coconut water or unsweetened nut milk Green smoothies: 3:1 ratio veggies to fruit Fruit smoothies: 1 cup (frozen) fruit Fat = ½ avocado/1 tbsp. nut butter/handful of nuts Add in’s: 1tbsp each: hemp hearts (for healthy fats & protein), chia seeds (for fiber), 1 scoop protein powder, Greens+ powder Tip: Peeling and freezing your bananas will keep them from going off too quickly, and add a cool, creamy texture to smoothies Veggie sticks (raw carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, snow peas, cucumber, bell peppers) with 2-4 tbsp. hummus OR 2-4 tbsp. Greek yogurt dip 2- 4 tbsp. homemade guacamole (1 small avocado mashed, fresh lemon/lime juice + sea salt & pepper) Homemade Trail Mix-1 handful Raw almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts, sunflower/pumpkin seeds Hard-boiled eggs + crackers – 2 eggs, 10 crackers Seasoned with paprika/ favorite herbs + whole grain crackers such as “Mary’s Gluten Free” By: Claire LeGresley, RHN Adding in the good series: Dinner
![]() It feels good, doesn’t it? Not having to count calories, worry about carbs and the latest fad diet. It feels good knowing that eating healthy doesn’t involve drastic deprivation, the fanciest of kitchen gear or gobs of money. Every single time we eat, we have a choice. We can deplete and challenge our bodies or nourish them to the max. By adding in some goodness you are fuelling your magnificent body with what it needs in order to perform at its highest potential – and you’ve got some serious potential. So let’s get to it, and add some goodness to dinner. Dinner: Meal Makeover, Vegetables + Protein 1) Meal Makeover: This, my friends, is so much fun. We’re adding some goodness to tonight’s dinner by making over a classic dish – swapping only on nutrients, not taste. Cauliflower mash: Potatoes are so passé! Lighten up your next meal by swapping mashed cauliflower for the classic mashed potatoes. Not only will you be that much closer to reaching your vegetable quota, but by choosing a lower glycemic index food, you are supporting any weight loss endeavours. Did I mention it cooks in half the time? I told you this was fun! Click here for the smashing recipe. 2) Vegetables-made tasty: It the last opportunity to reach the 5-8 recommended servings of veg. Let’s make that happen by keeping things simple. For more info on all things veg – see this blog post. Ratatouille: Great movie, even better dish! Ratatouille is a delicious, rustic vegetable stew made with eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini and peppers. Serve on its own, over rice or quinoa, add protein – the options are endless. Click here for a simple recipe, with simple ingredients – the goodness just doesn’t end! 3) Protein – switchin’ it up: When life gets hectic, it can be easy to fall into a food rut. Variety, however, plays an essential role in a vibrant diet. By choosing a wide range of different nutrient dense foods, you are ensuring your body receives a larger spectrum and of vitamins and minerals, avoids the development of food allergies and much more Fish: Try adding in a cold water fish, such as salmon at least twice a week. Salmon is without a doubt one of nature’s prized superfoods. It is bursting with protein and good fats (Omega 3’s), that must be obtained through diet. This superfood helps to keep us happy, pain free, smarter and promotes a better night’s sleep – just to name a few. For a 4 ingredient salmon recipe, click here. Here comes the sun, Claire LeGresley, RHN For the full blog post, and more tips on adding goodness in, visit |
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